To send in your kind donations by mail, simply make your check payable to Razi Health Foundation using the address listed below:
Razi Health Foundation
Palmer Square
P. O. Box 1551
Princeton, NJ 08542
An acknowlegement letter will be sent to you shortly as proof of your generous donation to us.

Use your VENMO account to make convenient and commision-free online donations to Razi with following info when prompted:
Account: @razi-health
Verification Code: 3573

Boeing, Microsoft and Johnson & Johnson are just a few of the many US companies with “Matching Gift” programs where you can easily DOUBLE your charitable donations to us simply by letting them know that you are selecting RAZI as your charity of choice—that’s it!
So, please, find out about your company policy regarding this popular program that is a true win-win for everyone!

Join our distinguished Ambassador program and take your spot in our coveted list of donors who ensure sustainability of RAZI's unique and outstanding work by making regular monthly contributions to it.
Simply, choose a level (Bronze, Silver or Gold) that you find most comfortable with, and then click on the appropriate box.
You will be guided through PayPal’s own safe and secure portal for making monthly payment plan that best suits your schedule.

$15 per month
** SILVER **

$30 per month
** GOLD **

$50 per month

This popular program offered by AMAZON is truly FREE and yet can be quite helpful to charities like RAZI in a long run.
When you click on the button, below, and register us as your charity of choice (a one-time event) AMAZON will remember to automatically donate a portion of your future purchases on its platform to RAZI every time you shop at Smile.Amazon.com!
This action in no way impacts the price you pay for the merchandise . All you need to do is shop "Smile.Amazon.com” the same way you shop at Amazon.com and they will take care of the rest!

Back in the 10th century, a great Iranian scientist and physician, Zakariya Razi, published some 184 texts in the field of medicine and chemistry covering everything from the world of alchemy and pharmacy to neurosurgery and ophthalmology. In the centuries that followed, the innovative methods described in his books– some still in use today– helped save great many lives, indeed.
But, just as Razi was able to help so many people of his day through scientific and pioneering research, today you and I are in an enviable position to save countless lives and help improve the health and well-being of great many more in our communities and around the world only if we contribute a bit of our time and skills toward our common objective.
At RAZI, an all-volunteer charitable foundation, there is always a need for kind and caring people who are willing to apply their online and social media skills to help get the word out about our local and international humanitarian missions throughout the year.
If interested, please phone or email us so we can arrange for your participation in our rewarding “Friends of Razi” program.

Razi will gladly accept your kind contributions in the form of shares of securities you wish to donate.
Please contact us via email so we can make proper transfer arrangements with the custodial/ brokerage house handling your account.